If you like the site, if the site has ever helped you, if you WANT it to stay active: MAKE A DONATION.
Any amount helps. Any amount matters.
Our site has no ads or sponsorships. All this to serve you in the best way: just play and watch. No pop-ups, redirects to other sites, etc.
This site is maintained through the help of the fans. Like you and me.
To donate, choose one of the gateways below:
Whoever donates is immortalized in the HALL OF LEGENDS. And you have our full GRATITUDE.
Se você gosta do site, se o site algum dia lhe ajudou, se você QUER que ele fique ativo: FAÇA UMA DOAÇÃO.
Qualquer valor ajuda. Qualquer montante importa.
Nosso site não tem anúncios, não tem patrocínios. Tudo isso para lhe atender da melhor forma: só dar play e assistir. Sem pop-ups, redirecionamento para outros site, etc.
Esse site se mantém de pé através da ajuda dos fãs. Como você e eu.
Para doar, escolha um dos gateways abaixo:
Chave PIX: [email protected]
Quem doa, está eternizado no HALL DE LENDAS. E tem nossa GRATIDÃO plena.
23 comentários
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Top site 5 stars
I totally agree!
Thanks for all the work, MotoMundo. is awesome!
Thank you for all the hard work, much appreciated ❤️❤️❤️
I had to donate as you are a life saver! thank you so much for uploading these in such a timely manner, you are a true legend 🙂
If you consider to accept Crypto: BTC, ETH, DOGE, or other,
I will definitely make a donation, in the meantime thank you very much.
We have RIGHT NOW:
Tks for the feedback and support, mate.
I never donate to be honest.But this i have to.Hope i manage to do so cz you guys are awesome.Clean well organized.To good to be true.This is what ppl desire but never find.In my case life saver! Hope you stick around and many many thanks
Thank you friend!
Our goal is the same as yours: keep the site as long as possible, organized and updated.
Unfortunately, this takes a lot of time (which I’m glad to donate) and a lot of costs that I can’t get around on my own (servers, hosting, etc).
And for that, I count on your help.
If every monthly visitor donated $1 USD (only $1 once in a lifetime) we would have guaranteed the site renewal for ONE DECADE.
There are around 12,000 unique visitors every month. But as you can see in the Hall of Legends, just over 300 colleagues donated.
At this rate, the site won’t last for long.
Long living the peace
O site ainda está ativo???
Fiz uma doação recentemnete. Você não considera colocar umas ads? Algumas ads pouco invasivas e que não sejam de produtos fake eu acho que seriam válidas.
Prefiro que seja clean. Sem propagandas mesmo.
The links of the olders races could you please refresh them
sadly yes. the old stuff has been deleted by copyright.
I explain in this post:
We will be reuploading as soon as possible
Bom dia. Gosto do site e desejo ajudar na sua manutenção.
As corridas antigas estão sem o link do mega, seria possível o amigo reposta-las?
Sim, iremos re-postar assim que possível. Você pode ajudar a manutenção do site através de doações
Obrigado pelo apoio
All the files from Moto gp races you have , can you found a solution for them ;
not yet
I have an idea. Or to activate links from the old races like 2007,2008-2019 here or to upload them to ukdevilz or toky video,what about that?
I really like the 50fps torrents. The slow motion shots are perfect! Thanks a lot!
As always, fantastic job, keep up all the great work your doing. Happy to donate again
I don’t think I would be enjoying MotoGP without MotoMundo. Thank you so much for all the efforts. I would like to give my support to you forever. Happy to donate always to MotoMundo. Thank you again! ☺️